What breed Bantam


In the Brooder
Jul 8, 2024
I got this girl out of the bantam section today and for the life of me - I cannot remember what breed I was told.

She is around 12 weeks old !

Can anyone help?

Could she be a Wyandotte or barnevelder ?

She’s very pretty and ultimately I don’t really care about breed but is nice to know ! Despite being around chickens for years …. Breeds are not my strong point !


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Looks almost like a Blue laced red Wyandotte, with a single comb, which is common. What color are the legs? They look greenish, which is the wrong color for either Wyandottes or Barnevelders.
Looks almost like a Blue laced red Wyandotte, with a single comb, which is common. What color are the legs? They look greenish, which is the wrong color for either Wyandottes or Barnevelders.
They’re more light pale yellow / black


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Hmm. That’s really not the right color, as both breeds are supposed to have yellow feet. However, Blue laced red Wyandotte fits everything else, so that’s what I’m going with for now. Is there any way you could call the place you got her and ask what bantam breeds they had?
Id agree the color makes her look like a blue laced red wyandotte. My standard black laced red also has a straight comb. Could she be a mix?
Hmm. That’s really not the right color, as both breeds are supposed to have yellow feet. However, Blue laced red Wyandotte fits everything else, so that’s what I’m going with for now. Is there any way you could call the place you got her and ask what bantam breeds they had?
They have said blue laced Wyandotte ! 😊 so I will go for blue laced red Wyandotte - maybe a mix of some kind ?
They have said blue laced Wyandotte ! 😊 so I will go for blue laced red Wyandotte - maybe a mix of some kind ?
Here’s a better photo


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They have said blue laced Wyandotte ! 😊 so I will go for blue laced red Wyandotte - maybe a mix of some kind ?
Since you got her from a feed store, she’s likely not a mixed breed. She’s not show quality, but she’s a gorgeous hen all the same.

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