what breed is alpha?

Woah. Your Alpha looks a lot like MY Alpha.


He's some sort of Red/Orpington mix. I'd say we're in the same boat.
I agree the roosters look very New Hampshire. But white legs is a problem, because they are supposed to have yellow legs.

However, both the roosters and hens being New Hampshire mixed with Buff Orpington could work because orps have white legs, which is dominant over yellow legs.

Buff Orpingtons also have many genes to help make them a solid buff color... it is NOT an easy color to make from scratch. This very reason could well also be the answer as to why the rooster's tail is not quite black/green(it's the genes from the Buff "trying" to dilute any black colors)

I think either New Hampshire crossed with Buff Orpington OR mostly New Hampshire with some Buff Orp blood is a very reasonable guess for the roosters. They are very beautiful roosters, by the way glad you saved them!

The hen is a little harder to guess, her body type seems much more like a red sex link. They have dominant white so there is potential for red sex link bred to ??? and create colors similar to her.
hey guys! i had put alpha's picture in the rooster and cockerel show in byc. and gueess what? he came 3rd place!!!!!!! 1st place were two speckled sussex, second place was a bantam or something, and 3rd place was Alpha! it was said great colorings of him!!!!!!!!!!!!! im sooooo exited and so is he!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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