What breed is my roo?

Definitions of mean are subjective. Top of pecking order some call mean. Protecting a flock mate from misbehaving people or pets some call mean. Human aggressive I call mean and have trained so I was top bird but had to keep penned so children were not in danger. Others I invited to dinner as they'd wait for my back to be turned and then bump me.

Once you get a completely nice cock bird you'll wonder "why on earth did I bother training?" It's a delight and though I'm ever watchful with my three year old he's done things I want to flog him over yet my current line of cockerels have not. It's remarkable, pet cats and dogs will reprimand my son when he's out of line but my last line and current line of chickens do not. Hatchery birds are hit or miss on temperment and it's not breed related it's lack of time or care to breed bad temper out. Breeder birds will almost always be good natured as those that keep the line spend time with them and don't tolerate any form of human aggression. It's hereditary and with hatchery birds is not weeded out.
So what...he should rehome it to make it someone elses problem? Wouldn't you eat it instead. Same with other animals that are mean should be put down. Not rehomed.
I didn't say rehome. I said get rid of. In my mind, butchering gets rid of the animal. And honestly, I don't believe in "rehoming". Animals are bought and sold, not rehomed or rescued.
@Egghead_Jr would agree that much aggressiveness is due to bad breeding. But it is the natural tendency for a cock to be aggressive; to protect his flock. Whether or not he sees humans as a threat is the important thing. :)
Defenitly a RIR rooster. Its true RIR have a tendency to be really mean even the hens. My RIR roo is the sweetest bird I have to be honest. He loves coming over and being picked up and will run over when he sees me.

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