What breed is she?

The speckles increase with each molt.

I’m surprised yours is quiet. My SS are usually my most talkative. Follow me around and complain about everything under the sun! 🤣
It’s funny because she was the most sassy as a chick. A total brat. 🤣 She must have became lower in the pecking order. She’s just so calm.
I was thinking so! She’s so pretty. Looks nothing like my other hens, I’ve been reading about all the other breeds but know nothing about speckled Sussex chickens.
SS are on of my favorite breeds that I owned. They're super sweet and mine would always come up running when they saw me and follow me around the yard. They were also one of my most reliable layers.
They are beautiful! I suspect her being a speckled Sussex but I wasn’t sure because she’s not quite as “speckled” as most I see. Is that something that will come once she gets all her adult feathers?
She'll get more speckles when she moults.

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