What breed is this chicken


Sep 30, 2024
She showed up on my property looking rough for wear and appeared solid black. Took a couple of days to lure her into the coop. After several weeks her color and feathers have come back and she is laying now.

She's a Dark Brahma. Her legs have been plucked. She's probably a hatchery variety, as her hackles isn't as light as they should be, which only means she's not a show-quality bird.

You might want to ask around to see if anyone had a chicken go missing. Just looking at her you can tell she's been in someone else's flock for awhile (and they probably didn't free-range).

She's a Dark Brahma. Her legs have been plucked. She's probably a hatchery variety, as her hackles isn't as light as they should be, which only means she's not a show-quality bird.

You might want to ask around to see if anyone had a chicken go missing. Just looking at her you can tell she's been in someone else's flock for awhile (and they probably didn't free-range).
You can pluck their legs?! Does it hurt??

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