What breed is your broody?

I have my first broody right now and she's a BO.
This is my first experience with hatching eggs and my broody hen is a barred rock. She is very protective of her eggs..she growls at anyone who passes by the large dog crate that is her broody home. Today she came off the nest to eat and drink. I stooped down to look in her next box and she put her head down, raising her back half and spread her wings out as if to shield the nest from me..growling the whole time. I hope she's as good a mom as she is a protector!
Our little brown bantam cochin (we think anyway) is happily sitting on 7 eggs. She can barely cover them all because she is just a little thing.
We moved her into a pen in the garage so that she could sit without all the other hens bothering her. We are on day 3...it is our first go-round at this.

Really, really hoping that something hatches this month!
Mine is an orange bantam frizzle (accualy she is a frazzle, she has 2 copies) cochin that just started hatching her chicks yesterday. There are three hatched so far.

Because of her feathers, when she puffs up they cover her face.
Last year we had two that we let hatch eggs. My first was a white fav(Snowball) she hatched 4. Queen Latifa a black cochin cross hatched 8. Right now we have a black australorp sitting on EE eggs. Blue Beard my little blue silkie who started laying last month has now gone broody.
I had two EE'er broodies at the same time (no rooster). I gave one of them fertilized eggs, the other EE'er got golf balls. I ordered chicks to be delivered about the same time as the fertile eggs were supposed to hatch. I put the chicks under the EE'er at night and removed the golf balls, she was a fierce mother and I had the bruises to prove it!! The other EE'er hatched out 6 of 7 fertile eggs and was a great mother as well. I had hoped my Silkie would go broody but at over a year old she shows no signs of doing so.

That was a couple months ago. Right now I have chicks that I ordered and one of the former EE'er broodies comes to visit them every day, eats, makes a fuss over them and then leaves. They were the absolute best moms. I bought some Cochin chicks so I'm hoping for more broodies next year.
My cochins, mutts and seramas are the best mamas here, by far my favorite is petunia my brown/red cochin bantam hen who stuck with her 6 serama chicks for literally months.

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