What breed is your broody?

Ooh, ooh! I want to join! I have a first time BO broody sitting on six eggs and it's day 18!
Can't wait until they hatch!
Penny, my buff leghorn, is the only hen I've had to go broody. But boy when she gets broody she seems so evil. The kids swear up and down her eyes are red when she puffs up and gets angry. She has been broody this time for about 2 weeks. She was out and about all day today so hopefully it's over. She hatched 2 chicks for us the last time she was broody. The roo didn't mess with her much so she hatched the other girls' eggs. She was a great Mommy. I'm glad because the other girls have absolutely zero interest .
Currently I have 5 hens with chicks: 1 OEG, 2 OEGB, 1 Serama, and 1 Bantam cochin. Then I have another 16 broody chickens, 2 broody ducks, and 1 broody goose. The goose is embden, the ducks are a pekin and a rouen, and the chickens are OEGB, OEG, Serama, Bantam Cochin, or mixes of the above
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OEGB! Most definatley my best broody ever. She will sit on anything. I havent let her this year yet but maybe in a few weeks I will. But she hatched out nine clutches of eggs for me. She is a wonderful momma and a great protector. Oh and the funy part about my trio is that my roo even takes turns sitting on the nest and taking care of the babies. And he is the worst one of all to try and get him to let you have a peak at the eggs. He is such a good daddy, he is wanting babies again badly. POOR GUY!
I have a Serama hen with 14 chicks, 8 are hers. I have a Russian Orloff Bantam with 7 chicks, she's had up to 15. This gal would brood a puppy, I think. I have another Serama hen hatching today. 4 chicks so far. A Speckled Sussex who keeps trying to take the Serama's eggs away. She got locked up with her own eggs tonight. Two OEGB sitting on eggs. 3 Guinea hens hatching out one HUGE nest today. I forgot... a Peahen setting on 5 Peaeggs. Lots of peeping going on.
4 bators cookin' and one with 28 chicks and 4 eggs left to hatch.
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I have a old hen that I call Grandma, she love to set and I have used her for when I buy chicks and sneak them under her and she takes them. This time when she went broody, I ordered hatching eggs, silkies and polish. They are suppose to hatch Friday but one hatched tonight. oops, Do not know where that one came from, not a polish or silkies. I do not care...its still cute. She is a salmon faverolle and she is old about 10.
Ok, I hope I don't forget anyone

So far this year I have had an two Australorps (one is now sitting for a second time), two BTW Japs, one White Jap, one BTW/BO, most likley mixed breed banty medium sized (don't mess with her she bites and does not let go!
Has drawn blood a few times when I forgot my gloves ), an most likely mixed LF hen who has 16 chicks under her right now (11 she hatch 5 I had to move so another hen would stay on the rest of her eggs till they hatch), either a BR or Cuckoo (lady I got her from said she was Cuckoo, but I am not sure since I have never found a really dark egg), EE/Brauma mix, and last but not least an EE/RIR mix.

I think I got them all. I am still waiting on 2 RIR and a RIR/Golden Comit mix that all sat last year for me so I don't think I am done yet.

As far as who the best is, I would have to say it is between the BTW/BO and the mixed breed banty. The BTW/BO hen is so sweet and lets the chicks stay with her till the are about 3 months and way bigger than she is
. She will also take in other chicks even if they are different in age from hers. The mixed breed banty who is big enough to cover 14 eggs is too mean, so nothing will mess with her so she has never lost an egg or chicks to anything! Even with 3 great mouser/ratter cats in the barn I still have rats
and will lose chicks/eggs out from under other hens unless I lock them up tight.

My Japs sit the most offten but can only cover up to 5 LF eggs and are so small and flighty that they run or fly away from danger and forget about their chicks. Last summer I lost 6 2-3 week old chick right out from under them at night (think the rats got them) This year they have stoped taking care of their chicks after about 3 weeks.

The rest are on their first time, so will have to see how they do.

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