What breed is your broody?

So far this year I've had four of my Buff Orpington x Barred Rock hens go broody. The first one I gave 8 Bourbon Red turkey eggs to hatch. She hatched out 7 poults (one egg never developed). The second hen I gave 8 more Bourbon Red turkey eggs, and they're due to hatch the 28th. The other two hens went broody a few days ago and I'll be giving them some eggs to hatch soon. I'll have to decide whether to give them more turkey eggs, Ameraucana eggs, or maybe Guinea eggs...
I have 2 Australorps that like to go broody, but haven't ever timed it well, so I don't know how they would be. I have had 2 Wheaten Ameraucanas hatch eggs - one is amazing, and I will use her forever. The other...well, it was her first try. She jostled the eggs a LOT, and only 3 of 7 hatched. She is doing a pretty good job on the mommy part. I have no pics loaded yet, but I will try to fix that.
Awwww, that is so cute! Please keep telling me about your broodies, and if you can post some pics ( i love them! )
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My broody girl, Olga, is half EE and half American game. She is not very big, lays a pale pink/blush egg. She acts very much like an American game. She is only 10 months old, and this is already her 2nd time hatching a clutch of eggs! She's *very* broody. At this rate, looks like she'll go broody about every 90 days. The first time she went broody, we didn't have a rooster so I had to buy fertile eggs (broke her several times before I finally said to heck with it, she's gonna keep doing this until I let her hatch something). This time, she's got some of her own eggs & some from the other girls in our flock, as we have a healthy, young rooster fertilizing our girls rather vigorously the last couple of months.

I'm actually kind of excited to see what kind of chicks we get. The rooster is a gorgeous black mottled java, and the hens are Olga (American game/EE cross), Olivia (BCM/blue ameraucana/penedesenca cross), Bertha (black and gold EE), and Lola (red/brown Ameraucana).

I know there are a lotta purists out there, but I love mutt chickens. Mutt chickens are like a box of chocolates... you never know what you're gonna get.
My little OEGB has decided to go broody and she isnt even a year old yet...she is doing so good...I didnt think she would sit the whole time...she has been sitting for a little over two weeks...I candled them last night and it looks like there are six with babies...I am not 100% sure though...this is my first batch. I hope she hatches them!!!! How long does it take for a bantam egg to hatch? Believe it or not there are six eggs under her...three OEGB eggs and three RIR eggs...so she is gonna try to hatch big eggs
Keep your fingers crossed that after she has done all this that she gets some babies!!!

I have a buff orp that went broody yesterday for the third time in 8 months.
I broke her the first two times cause no rooster in that flock.
I've been saving pure welsummer eggs for a week for the incy but I think I'll give them to her today.
Losing her eggs for a month is probably cheaper than the electricity for the incubator.
Aww, i hope she hatches those eggs, good luck

Anyone got some pics or stories they want to share?
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I have a 1 year old bantam Cochin sitting on 5 bantam cocin eggs(they arn't hers as we dont have a rooster either). I wasn't sure if she was going to hold out because she's only a year old and it's her first go at being a mommy
, but she's doing fantastic! They are due to hatch around the 29th! I'm so excited. Can't wait to see how many i get!
And I'll bet money that you'll get a better hatch rate.


I just put eggs under my THIRD broody this season---yippee! First my black bantam cochin, then two days later her sis, the white one. They're in side by side rubbermaid tubs, it's cute. Two nights ago I went to get eggs from the garbage can the girls have been laying in and honestly thought a hen had died in there! Then, reached my hand in and of course got a good peck. DUH! She's a buff orp and, all fluffed up like they get, fills that trash can. So, five eggs each under the bantams, and I put a dozen under the orp. I'm so thrilled!!!!!!!

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