What breed is your broody?

She is an Australorp, she has been broody for 8 days if she sticks with it for another weeks she can have feed store chicks.
I can't hatch eggs because I can't have roosters
I have 9 broodys at this time, 3 silkies Diamond, chloe, and Bonnet, chloe is the sweetest little thing she lets me look under her and pet her and never says a bad word to me the other two argue with me but hop off the nest until Im done with them, and 1 blue cochin (Violet) she is a newby just started a couple of days ago and tells me in no uncertain terms I am not allowed to touch her nest I can pet her but not under her , a blacksexlink/orpinton mix (Ellie)She used to be very understanding not so much anymore she screams at me and the other hens if they get to close, then there is Mika Orpinton mix , she is pretty ok but just don't push your luck with her, Onyx a black Orpington/cochin mix I feel really bad for her she has been sitting for over a month and nothing to show for it but she is sooooo determined, Betty Black Orpington mix , and then Andi my one and only Broody EE, I Just lost Opal to a raccoon not too long ago. I miss that big ole girl alot! I

Funny thing is last year I prayed and prayed for just one Broody and couldn't ever get one, this year I'm over loaded in Broodies! LOL
My Broodies are "Mutts", Their ancestor breed inputs are Rhode Island Red crossed with Plymouth Barred Rock, then Easter Egger blended in along with Jersey Giant and Australops. I've been hatching my eggs for nearly twenty years and well onto developing a "landrace" for the Midwest here. Oh, and there are some unknown heavy breeds blended in that were rescued after 9/11 when the airlines were shut down and the airports sent the stranded orders of chicks out to the local feed stores.


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