What breed lays the BLUEST egg?

Are you talking blue sapphire gems? I am getting gifted two of those but they actually lay brown eggs. The chicken itself is blue. I’m following this thread because I want some more colored egg layers next spring and interested to see which is the deepest blue of blue Too. Regardless definitely getting a cream legbar
Ameraucanas, araucanas, cream legbars... mixes? I'm wondering what breed lays the deepest blue egg. I'm also curious how the hatchery hybrids like Sapphires lay. Please give me your opinions and if you have pictures of your true blue eggs I would love to see them.
I would say Ameraucanas. I know they lay bright blue eggs, and I'm getting two in the fall. I've had Easter Eggers lay bright blue eggs before to, though. I guess it depends on the chicken!
Ameraucanas, araucanas, cream legbars... mixes? I'm wondering what breed lays the deepest blue egg. I'm also curious how the hatchery hybrids like Sapphires lay. Please give me your opinions and if you have pictures of your true blue eggs I would love to see them.

Blue egg layers are Snowy Easter Egger, Cuckaoo Bluebar, Blue/BlackSplash Ameraucana, Cream Legbar, EE Bantam, Frost White Legbar, and the Super Blue Egg Layer. I don’t have any but thought this could be a good choice in future. EE either does a blue or green. What ever they start with they stay with so that’s more fun like pot luck if getting before start laying. Of these the Cream Legbar and the Super Blue seem most loved by customers in that order. The Cream Legbar will lay in various shades of blue from a true sky blue to a turquoise blue. Warning sometimes Cream Legbars have tendency to lay outside nest boxes by Hatchery professionals. Both breeds friendly and good producers. The Super Blue produces large vibrant blue eggs hence the name. Shade tends to vary only slightly among birds of large or jumbo blue eggs. Occasionally customers have reported excessive brooding and other color eggs such as white or green blue is so hardly noticeable with Super Blue. Others have no trouble. I’m curious to see others experiences as well with egg pics.
Are you talking blue sapphire gems? I am getting gifted two of those but they actually lay brown eggs. The chicken itself is blue. I’m following this thread because I want some more colored egg layers next spring and interested to see which is the deepest blue of blue Too. Regardless definitely getting a cream legbar
No, these:
I thought it was My Pet Chicken that sold them but when I went to their website I couldn't find them. I was thinking I saw them on a popular hatchery website and it was the hatchery's creation.
No, these:
I thought it was My Pet Chicken that sold them but when I went to their website I couldn't find them. I was thinking I saw them on a popular hatchery website and it was the hatchery's creation.

Sorry at a loss. TSC does Sapphire gems but again lay large brown eggs from blue hen. I will be on the lookout for a Hatchery that fits the description.
I have 3 EE. 2 of them lay pretty bright blue eggs and the other one lays a green egg.
I have an EE, ameraucana/brown leghorn cross. Her egg looks like this:

Unfortunately they seem to be getting lighter with age. I know that is just something that happens with all breeds, though.

What I'm really looking for is this, the first color listed on the chart:

Even though this is an araucana chart the pictures I've seen from araucana breeders don't even come close to this.

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