What breed might these cuties be?


In the Brooder
Jul 7, 2017
Hello All!

My uncle gave me these chicks as they were being given up by a previous owner. I thought, why not a few more to eventually add to the bunch! Downside, the only information I have on them is who I got them from and that the previous own didn't want them. :(

As far as the chicks go, I have limited information.
-I am estimating they are around 4 weeks old
-They are pretty flighty to be honest - seems way more than my RIR were at this age
-Three black with orange markings-yellow legs
-One black and white one with a whiter chest area that I thought maybe was a black laced wyandotte, but the patterns aren't as consistent
---could their patterns consistency change as they get older?
*Side note* I do think three that look identical with orange/black markings might be black sexlink or gold laced wyandottes ...
-The solo chick has black and white markings on its head and spraingly on its body but then has brown/red/golden markings and various patterns on its body and wings. -------Also, I think it has white legs/feet..not sure if that could turn yellow with age...

I apologize ahead of time for any ignorance and for photo quality that might make deciphering their breeds troublesome!! Especially since the black and white chick was cut off in the group pics :(

-The solo chick in the pictures (one where I am holding it but it is also in the group pictures to the left) is the one I am most curious about! So many different colors and patterns leads me to believe he/she is a mix of some sort
-If you can, by any chance, tell me the genders or what you think they might be that would be great!
-I can upload better pictures tom as well

I appreciate any and all feedback.



Thank you!! :)
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Hi! Welcome to BYC. I think they are all Wyandottes or Wyandotte crosses. The black and white one looks to be part silver laced Wyandotte, and pretty sure it is a male based on the size of the comb and the solid patches of white on the wings. The mostly red one you are holding looks like a cross and is also most likely a male, based on the darker red coloring on the wings, and size of the comb. The other 2 (or 3) are gold laced Wyandottes, but you would need better pics to sex them. It is very hard to tell the sex from photos using a flash, as you don't get accurate colors on the combs. Bright, natural light out of direct sunlight is best. In the first pic, the one front and center is probably a male. I am seeing darker red feathers developing on the wings, which is a male trait. I also think they are older than 4 wks. More like 7-8 wks. If 4 wks is accurate, then I think you hit the cockerel jackpot.
Hi! Welcome to BYC. I think they are all Wyandottes or Wyandotte crosses. The black and white one looks to be part silver laced Wyandotte, and pretty sure it is a male based on the size of the comb and the solid patches of white on the wings. The mostly red one you are holding looks like a cross and is also most likely a male, based on the darker red coloring on the wings, and size of the comb. The other 2 (or 3) are gold laced Wyandottes, but you would need better pics to sex them. It is very hard to tell the sex from photos using a flash, as you don't get accurate colors on the combs. Bright, natural light out of direct sunlight is best. In the first pic, the one front and center is probably a male. I am seeing darker red feathers developing on the wings, which is a male trait. I also think they are older than 4 wks. More like 7-8 wks. If 4 wks is accurate, then I think you hit the cockerel jackpot.

OMG.....no wonder they were "given up"...
I have one Rooster I absolutely cherish and adore but more than that and phew IDK what to do. We have a lot of land so worst case, they can free range?? I'd be devastated if anything happened to them nor do I want to eat them. ooh boy. LOL

I will post way better pictures tomorrow.

thank you for your response!
Hi All!
I was able to snap some better pictures..

Chick #1-Wow looking at the pic looks like I'm choking the poor thing...I promise I was gentle!!

Chick #2- "Are we done with this shoot yet? I'ts hot!!"

"No really! Now I'm annoyed!"

Chick #3- probably the only girl?

Chick #4-FIESTY LIL ONE-can definitely see rooster in it

Chick #5-short tail feathers??
Oh boy! Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!
Wyandottes can be very hard to sex, but with the intensity of red on the combs, and how raised they look in profile, I'm pretty sure those are cockerels. Looks like #3 is your one pullet. It is often possible to keep bachelor pens of all males, but for it to work best, females need to be out of sight for them. You still run the risk of them fighting. I don't mind if other people eat my extra cockerels, as long as they have a good, albeit shorter, life. I just can't bring myself to do the deed, too wimpy, and neither can any one else around here.
Next time you are picking young chicks, avoid any that have bright red combs. Peachy pink usually means pullet, but only reliable after 6-8 weeks or so when the males start reddening up. Pullets never go red until closer to when they start laying, usually after 14 weeks.

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