What breeds do Rhode Island Reds get along with?

Bronx girls

8 Years
Jul 10, 2016
I'm thinking of adding a Plymouth rock and/or Australorp to my flock of Rhode Island Reds which are 4 and 2 months old and my mama hen who is 8 years old. What breeds do they get along with would these be good to add?
RIRs are pretty aggressive. Even the hens, but wyentdottes (I can’t spell) and Jersey Giants are okay with them.
Well, i wouldn’t really say that.. breeds don’t just “get along” with eachother. Thats like saying people with curly hair always get along with people with straight hair. It just doesn’t always work the same.

I have a hen who HATES Japanese bantams
but the same breed, another hen, LOVES Japanese bantams. It’s not really the breed that matters or plays a huge part, it’s how they are introduced and the general aggressiveness of the bird itself. I wouldn’t say that all wyandotte or Jersey giants like RIRs, that’s just what might work for you, and maybe not someone else.
Well, i wouldn’t really say that.. breeds don’t just “get along” with eachother. Thats like saying people with curly hair always get along with people with straight hair. It just doesn’t always work the same.

I have a hen who HATES Japanese bantams
but the same breed, another hen, LOVES Japanese bantams. It’s not really the breed that matters or plays a part, it’s how they are introduced and the general aggressiveness of the bird itself. I wouldn’t say that all wyandotte or Jersey giants like RIRs, that’s just what might work for you, and maybe not someone else.
I see what you mean, but it’s not just my experience. In fact, I’ve never had Jersey Giants and RIRs together, but I have observed those two in several different flocks, all coexisting just fine.
Some breeds actually do get along better with each other, and some are just mean. Of course there are exceptions. There’s always exceptions. I was just trying to help.
I'm thinking of adding a Plymouth rock and/or Australorp to my flock of Rhode Island Reds which are 4 and 2 months old and my mama hen who is 8 years old. What breeds do they get along with would these be good to add?
To answer your question, you might have good luck picking a breed within the same size ranges. This can help reduce some size related problems, like for example, maybe don’t pick Seramas because if they happen to peck them lightly, it would be greater injury for them.

I have tiny Japanese bantams and they are mixed with my big hens, and it works, so don’t strictly follow this, just a guide.
I see what you mean, but it’s not just my experience. In fact, I’ve never had Jersey Giants and RIRs together, but I have observed those two in several different flocks, all coexisting just fine.
Some breeds actually do get along better with each other, and some are just mean. Of course there are exceptions. There’s always exceptions. I was just trying to help.
My neighbor has a Jersey giant who hates the RIRs and has made them bleed many times, and vice versa for some other flocks, while some co exist fine. I definitely agree that temperaments in breeds do play a part, but the way you worded it to me, made it sound like every Jersey giant and or wyandotte likes RIRS, which isn’t entirely true.
I've raised RIRs with Barred and Buff Rocks all of similar size and numbers with no real problems. Of course there were spats as far as hen pecking order. No more than 2-3 roosters to 24-30 hens kept the boys fairly in check.
Thank you all for the responses, I don't have any roos and i've never had any other breed just the RIR's and would really like some variety and nice colors too :)

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