What breeds should I get next year?

What breeds should I get? Choose 5.

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I have another question for you all!
Instead of buying from my local hatchery we may order online from Chickens For Backyards instead because they have more breeds.
1. Have you guys ordered from Chickens For Backyards before?
2. If so, were they "good?"
Another reason why we might be going with them instead of Cackle, Hoover's, Meyer's etc. is because of their cheaper shipping prices and you can have a minimum of 3 birds per order and a minimum of 1 per breed. I feel like most online hatcheries have a minimum of 5 birds or higher for your entire order and more than 1 per breed.
I also literally just realized this morning that I cannot get my dream chicken, a cochin bantam, because we have two standard roos that could crush the bantam hens while mating....😭😳
I have another question for you all!
Instead of buying from my local hatchery we may order online from Chickens For Backyards instead because they have more breeds.
1. Have you guys ordered from Chickens For Backyards before?
2. If so, were they "good?"
Another reason why we might be going with them instead of Cackle, Hoover's, Meyer's etc. is because of their cheaper shipping prices and you can have a minimum of 3 birds per order and a minimum of 1 per breed. I feel like most online hatcheries have a minimum of 5 birds or higher for your entire order and more than 1 per breed.
I also literally just realized this morning that I cannot get my dream chicken, a cochin bantam, because we have two standard roos that could crush the bantam hens while mating....😭😳
I've never heard of them before, but it seems legit.

I've always kept banties with my standard sized flock and never have had any issues with the roosters hurting the little girls while mating. I've heard a few instances where people have had bad experiences keeping bantam hens with their standard roos, but I've heard more of cases where everything ends up being fine. I would just recommend having at least 2 bantams in your flock if you decide to get some.
I too have always had bantams with standard sized birds and roosters, with no issues.
Bantam brahmas are really nice, larger than some bantams, and here have been more interactive and interesting than the standard Brahmas we've had.
Silkies, not in your mixed flock. Also, Favorelles are wonderful sweet birds, who are often bullied by sex-links and other more assertive individuals.
EEs are good. The French Marans, any color, Barnvelders, and Welsummers all produce dark brown eggs, nice for variety.
Brown leghorns lay whit eggs, more variety in that egg basket.
For friendly hens, Speckled Sussex are the best. Our Buckeyes and French Marans are also more interactive than some others.
So many choices!
We order from Cackle, because we like their birds, and can get the white Chanteclers we like there.
No idea about chickens for backyards although I've heard the name tossed around enough to think they're legit. Meyer does have a 3 bird minimum in spring and summer with no breed minimum, although yes, shipping is expensive but it is expensive as they're rushing the birds to you

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