What can I use to safely hang things?


Jun 17, 2024
North Texas
I have been using chain while the birds' feeder and water was in the coop because it was a very short length and no wind to push things around, but now that everything is moving to the run, I'm questioning having that much hanging chain from the ceiling. Is chain the safest? Thick cording? I don't want to put anything dangerous in there. I'd like to be able to hang their feeder, waterer, and one of those round wire baskets with veggies from time to time.
I use small chain in addition to paracord. It's very durable and strong. Attach a small hook and you can hang things easily.
Chain is likely safer than any sort of rope. If you must use rope make sure there's no fraying parts dangling around that might attract chickens to peck at it, and secure it out of the way when not in use so they don't mess with it or get caught in it.

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