What color is this Maran Rooster considered?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 24, 2014
I adopted a Maran Rooster from my neighbor after my Lavender Orpington passed, to protect my ladies. The Roo was hatched from eggs that were sold to her as Blue Copper Marans. She ended up with a quite a few splashs out of the mix. This guy was the "black sheep of the family". He is only about 4 months old. My question is, What color would he be considered? His toe nails on the long front toe are white and all the other toe nails are the normal gray/black. Light feathering on his legs also. The black in his tail does show the sheens of green also. Chest is dotted. Just seems an odd color pattern, maybe has some egger mixed in somewhere???

Hard to tell from the picture. if the black is blue, then it is Black Copper Marans. If the black is really black,
then it is a Black Copper Marans. if you want to discuss this more in depth there is a forum for that.
Folk hang out there who are expert at this and wait for people to ask:
Yes, I know color isn't mentioned but many folk ask there.

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