What color of calls do you think?

I've gotten numerous eggs from Tracey and Tim (boys_3) from Ebay. Your grey one is going to be blue, just so you know. I have a couple like that and they're gorgeous when they get older!

So...what will that make?

Well, it's complicated. They will either be gold or silver. Usually a silver drake with a gold girl would only make silver drakletts and either gold or silver duckletts, but this guy had a gold mother so he could actually produce gold drakeletts too.
If it had been the gold drake with a silver hen it would have been a sex linked mating, drakeletts silver, duckletts gold.
You can tell at hatch whether they are gold or silver by the color of their fluff, and their sex by the beak color.
But I wanted to be able to sell the eggs and be able to tell people the all the ducklings from this hen would be gold.
I was thinking they was Mallards as well... I didnt want to say anything though!

Thats good that they will be replacing them for you!

Eggbid should be firing up on call eggs. Mine is starting to lay full blast!
Wouldn't snowy call ducklings be yellow with charcoaling through the head, similar to harlequins? I assume they looked like natural coloured ducklings from their plumage now.

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