What color or pattern would you call this?

Fluster Cluck Acres

Premium Feather Member
Mar 26, 2020
Frederick, MD
This is a pic heavy post. I have 2 mixed breed pullets and I’m curious what colors/feather patterns you can see and how you would describe their color. I dont think they fit any “box” for breed specific color, but I think they have some patterns I don’t recognize. This is just a “for fun” question. And for that reason, I’m not going to say what colors/patterns I see or what breeds make up the parent birds. All I’ll say is that they have the same father (probably) but totally different looking mothers.

Bird #1 (yellow legs) is Pimento. I’m posting lots of pictures because the camera shows variance in her colors depending on the lighting. She probably has the most patterning with her feathers- her neck, her breast, and her back all look to me to have different patterns.





And for a color comparison, here is Pimento with my BCM roo and my SLW and RIR hens. FWIW She is not related to any bird in this pic.

Bird #2 is Lexington (slate or blue legs).




How would you describe these birds’ colors & patterns?


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I don't know enough to give those colors/patterns names, but they are beautiful!
Thank you! I don't know much about the colorations either, which is why I'm asking, lol. One of the pullets has hackle feathers that are a light color with a black tip on the end which is unique (to me, at least), but I don't know what it's called.
Do you know which breeds might be in there?
I have a general idea.

The most likely father is my former rooster who was a mix of red orpington over a blue hen w/ silver leakage. He was black with gold and silver leakage.
IMG_3332~photo-full chickens charcoal.jpg

The mom of the first hen, (Pimento with the yellow legs), is a Bielefelder. The mom of the second hen, (Lexington with the slate legs) is an Easter Egger of unknown breeding. She is mostly silver but has some very light grey (lavender? isabel? idk) patterning in her tail and very light tan (wheaten? mauve?) on her chest.
IMG_3583~photo-full chickens derby.jpg

I do have 2 roosters. So while the black guy was the dominate, it's not impossible that my silver rooster could be the father. He is the son of the black rooster and his mom is... I think... a blue hen with silver leakage. (There is also a chance his mom is a speckled sussex). He is silver w/ black, blue, and red leakage.
2024.05.30 chickens 08 Citronella.jpg
Silver Blue Duckwing with lots of Autosomal Red.
One looks to have some wheaten influence.
Would silver blue duckwing be for both birds or just the first one?
Is wheaten the pinkish color on the first bird's breast?
They do kinda remind me of my Cinnamons which are
caused by a different, but recessive gene.
I have not heard of cinnamon as a color. Is it a type of diluted red or something different?
Not really. I got the hatching eggs from someone else. The egg it came from was dark brown and labeled marans cross. The rooster used was probably fibromelanistic easter egger type.
The white collar is pretty unique and the darker head/hood.

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