What color shoes do you see?

Really dissecting it🤣
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Now, to me the shoes and the pale chestnut looks the same. Does the circled part look brown to yall??
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Chestnut is a shade of brown.
I think the gray fabric in the background and the cool lighting are making them appear pinker than they actually are.
Hm, take the shoes and put them on a solid white backdrop, ensure the lighting is correct (LED light bulbs if using house light), and take a picture to post here.
Chestnut is a shade of brown.

Hm, take the shoes and put them on a solid white backdrop, ensure the lighting is correct (LED light bulbs if using house light), and take a picture to post here.
I don’t know that we still have the shoes. We were selling them (why the picture was taken) I can look though. In person they were 100% brown
Depends how bright I have my phone setting. Also, I can see several colors depending where I focus. Imagine this as a paint-by-number. It has all kinds of shades in it. In the shadow, there's dark purple. In the highlights, very pale pink. Overall? Shrug. Pinkish brown.
Yeah, I couldn’t find them. Must have been sold. I feel sorry for the person who came to get them, probably was expecting to get pink shoes

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