What could be wrong with BO roo..urgent!

Thanks for the additional input, Jody.

We started the vitamins this morning.

Hank stands quite a bit, holding his head correct, but tires quickly and lets it fall.

He's eating well. We're feeding hard boiled egg, yogurt, olive oil, pedisure and water, as well as the baby vitamins and vitamin E.

He sure is eating up the being held so much. I think once he's well we are going to have one spoiled guy on our hands. He already likes to be held, but when he's ready, he gets down. Now, he'll lay in our laps for hours.
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stop the scratch. It might be possible that there is some kind of mycotoxin somewhere that he has gotten hold of (forgotten grain somewhere etc)...
Limberneck is where the head hangs down and crook neck is where the neck arches over the back.
Have a thorough look in your run ... what kind of bedding do you use? I would clean out everything just in case there are some grains or moldy bedding somewhere you might have missed. If any of your other birds show symptoms I would suspect the scratch and throw it away.
Hank is doing wonderfully!!

This morning, I moved his crate outside so he could get fresh air. He is walking around scratching and ate all his breakfast (eggs, olive oil, vit E, baby vitamins, yogurt) standing on his own on the ground.

When he gets tired, he lets his head droop a little to the side, but nothing like the past several days.

I've got photos to post later today. You all won't believe the difference a few days has made!!
Glad to hear a good update. When there is a vitamin deficiency it strikes fast and can be correctly fast if vitamins are started right away. Just don't discontinue them immediately - I would continue giving vitamins for at least a week and then keep up the added protien and good foods indefinitely.

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