What did you do in the garden today?

Update on the hoop house in nearly 90-degree weather. I was afraid it would get too hot in the summer, but with the opaque white cover and three vents (the window, door window, and lower south side open up) it's going great!! My camera fogged up it's so humid but the plants are still loving it. Can't believe we have plants this big in Vermont in mid-June.

Ya, DH said last year that it's my turn now for PhD, and I was like 'what's the point?!' at this stage. And now there are too many extra hoops to jump through that I'm NOT interested in so ugh. I don't know.
As for school costs, ya, it's insane.
my sister makes 20,000 a year total. Both her kids qualified for NO financial assistance from the universities, figure that one out. I can't. So they applied for a crazy number of scholarships and made grades through high school that are shockingly high.
They both ended up with full rides to a different private universities with their scholarships paying for room board and books, most of it anyway. But to not qualify for any financial aid? Shocking. Where/who is that money going to?
Yeah, that's insane. Pretty sure $20k is below the poverty level.

My DD made Honors in high school. She did qualify for a small $500 scholarship. Any little bit helps. DS had decent grades (A's and B's) but doesn't qualify for any scholarships. DD lives at home which helps with costs but DS lives in the dorms since his university is further away.

FWIW, DH and I both worked our way through college, all while raising a family. I ended with 3 degrees. He has 2 degrees. But tuition was manageable back then... A few thousand dollars for a semester. Now it's like $12k - $25k per semester, depending on where you go. That's just INSANE. Especially if you are leaving college with over $100k of debt for a low paying job where you MIGHT make $40k/yr.
I strictly grow what we eat plus one odd veggie.
One year it was snake bean (grow yearly now).
Mammoth beet was another (fail).
What do you like to eat?
I'm the same. I stick to what we actually like... Although I will try to change up the variety. So maybe try a different kind of tomato or pepper or melon or whatever floats your boat. I also try one new novelty item a year... This year it was huckleberries.
I live in Northern California. I'm wanting to try to grow some different veggies because I don't know if I like them or not but I would like to grow it just to try the taste. Another reason is that I am the family gardener. The food is not just for me it's for my mom and dad and also the kids and grandkids.

I guess my question is what are you already growing? And by different do you mean different from what you usually grow or something completely off the wall?

I can tell you what I’ve planted but most of it was fairly standard stuff this year: lettuce, spinach and argula, snow peas and Trail of Tears beans, some onions that survived over winter, garlic cloves, carrots and potatoes, cayenne peppers, plus some herbs. The weirdest is probably the carrots, which are at least supposed to come in orange and yellow.

But if you’re just looking for something weird and different, my plans for next year are to track down some salsify and/or scozonera seeds, they’re both root veggies that supposedly taste like oyster. Or just go to your local garden stores and browse the seed section, see if something appeals.
I'm the same. I stick to what we actually like... Although I will try to change up the variety. So maybe try a different kind of tomato or pepper or melon or whatever floats your boat. I also try one new novelty item a year... This year it was huckleberries.
I was riding with my husband in the big truck and we stopped in Canyonville OR and they had huckleberry ice cream. They changed everything about the place and then they stopped selling it. It's an amazing taste.
I guess my question is what are you already growing? And by different do you mean different from what you usually grow or something completely off the wall?

I can tell you what I’ve planted but most of it was fairly standard stuff this year: lettuce, spinach and argula, snow peas and Trail of Tears beans, some onions that survived over winter, garlic cloves, carrots and potatoes, cayenne peppers, plus some herbs. The weirdest is probably the carrots, which are at least supposed to come in orange and yellow.

But if you’re just looking for something weird and different, my plans for next year are to track down some salsify and/or scozonera seeds, they’re both root veggies that supposedly taste like oyster. Or just go to your local garden stores and browse the seed section, see if something appeals.
The salsify sounds like something my dad would love. Thank you for the idea.

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