What did you do in the garden today?

The peas planted a few weeks ago look good, also the mustard and beets, but the squash and cucumbers planted a few weeks ago are looking not as great.

Sweet potatoes plants are loving the days we set the sprinkler on them -it’s still very dry. We won’t dig them up until the weather gets cold, so they probably get 3 more weeks in ground at least. Spouse has surgery mid-Oct, so we may dig them up before his surgery just to get them out of the ground and curing before his surgery.
Pick flowers for a bouquet.
I highly recommend growing Egyptian spinach, jute mallow or Saluyot. The cooked, highly nutritious soft branch tips and leaves in soups are kind of like the gooeyness found in cooked okra. Since it grows wild in my yard there is hardly any maintenance involved on my part. I think it taste better than the Malabar spinach and it's good to have around for instant saimin.

Molokhia leaves had a reputation as an aphrodisiac at one point. A caliph from the 9th century claimed that molokhia was a sexual stimulant for women and forbade his female subjects to consume it.

The name molokhia is Arabic and translates to the king’s vegetable or vegetable of kings, possibly because its consumption was once limited to the Pharaohs. There are numerous ways to spell the name including mulukhiya and molohiya. Other names for it in English include Egyptian spinach, jute mallow, and Jew’s mallow.
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Good morning! Woke up with a headache. It is actually raining a wee bit, very lightly, but hey we will take it. Ground is still hard but something is better than nothing. Nights are in the 60s but we are having some hot, humid days. Not exactly Autumn here yet, weather-wise. Still going to work on my to do list lol. Decided to move my "load to the dump" to Wednesday morning, I'll be headed in that direction for a dental appointment at 1 & the Saturday "weekend tourist" traffic here was just too ridiculous. On my way to Lowe's it was so backed up, I went to Lowe's, Ace hardware & got some groceries then skedadled back home. The traffic here gets crazy annoying.
DH was working on a coworker's work van. Weeding took up more time than I'd planned yesterday, but the garden tomatoes, okra, corn & the sunflowers & marigolds are doing great! The cucumbers & peppers, sadly struggling, but lots of blooms, so gotta give them credit for trying. I won't rip them out just yet. Also started looking over my Roosters, started with Romeo, my sweet Buff Orpington. When spurs get so big they can affect walking, I do trim them, shape beak & toenails if needed, check for mites. Poor boy had some mites so I cleaned him up & used some Dust On. He is a sweet Roo, enjoys the fussing & time on my lap. Overall, a good day.
I plan to fence my other 1/2 acre plot. going to plant olive trees and plant vegetables between them. a friend will give me sheep manure for free. next year I'll be busy. will be planting veggies with a friend as I don't have time to do it on my own. my little farm is getting bigger every year.

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