What did you use for the inside walls?

My old coop was uninsulated but with heat lights added when it dropped below -10F. It had plenty of ventilation, the eaves were completely open all the way around, plust there was a ceiling vent and lower ventilation for intake. The interior walls had a nice layer of frost much of the winter, and of course, since ice turns to water when warmed up a little... It was a constant battle.

The new barn has spray foam insulation inside T-111 walls with low grade plywood on the interior. We designed our barn to minimize the condensation that builds into ice in winter months. It is a very dry climate here, and summer temps are generally 65-ish with a few days in the 70's, so we don't have to insulate against heat, but it is amazing how you can get condensation in the middle of winter when the realative humidity is 25% . We are hoping that between the insulation and judicious ventilation we can minimize/eliminate the condensation issues.
I used styrofoam board insulation with chip board on the inside, painted with a gloss paint. Has worked well. Oh, outside of the back wall is metal and remainder is wood siding.
I did not read through all of the responses, but here is what I did. I used the smart siding on traditional 2x4 framed walls. No insulation and 1/4" chip board (OSB) on the inside. I found my original plan for my coup while empting out a five gallon bucket of building supplies. It's pretty detailed, as in drawn like a house plan would be. I also realized that I actually stuck to the drawing and did not change things as building progressed. I think that says it was a pretty good plan. It is for a 6' x 8' coup with 8' tall walls on a 4x4 foundation. If anyone would like to see it let me know and I will scan and post it.
I'd like to see it.
I used scrap plywood from my job. I painted with 3 coats of exterior paint left over from painting the house last fall. No insulation in the walls....yet...
I work for a company that makes insulation blowing machines and can get insulation and a machine FREE. (Best price EVER!)

It will be easy to insulate without taking the walls apart since it is blown in. Only a small hole up high that I can then patch.
I want to get my electric done before I insulate in case I need to open a wall.

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