What do you do for a living?

I am Graphic Designer and an Admin Assistant for my employer. It works out for me as I am equal left & right brain. Previous to my career change I worked in the medical field doing direct patient care and then in the ancillary departments doing administrative work.
My dream is to be self sufficient as an Urban Farmer.
I remember in highschool, we had to do all of these activities and take quizzes to find out what we should do for a career. They should just direct highschoolers to this thread to find out what's really out there! Very cool topic, OP :)
I know how that goes. Since I am self-employed, people assume I sit around and watch TV all day just waiting for them to call and ask me for favors. ;)
Ugh, yeah. I hate that stereotype. Just 'cause we're at home in the afternoon suddenly means we're lazy or can bend over backwards to others schedules.

In a related note, I remember a few years ago applying at a bank for a card & the interviewer couldn't find Traditional Artist (or anything related to it) on their bank's 'required' list of jobs for card application. It was all 'doctors, lawyers, policeman, etc' - not even Internet-related jobs on their list. That should have been a warning right there to try another bank...

So what does he do? He put me down as 'homemaker'.
I was a bit peeved, to say the least - I don't even have kids & my DH enjoys cooking/housecleaning more than I do! Suffice to say I intend to never go to that bank again.
I'ma part time IT & purchasing manager for a specialist telecoms company (yes it as geeky as it sounds....but that suits me :))
I am a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP) and work with children with special needs in the public school system. I'm thinking about going into nursing, but all i want to do is work in my garden and tend to my chickens...I guess when i retire, well maybe if I retire...:D
I am a licensed esthetician and cosmetologist. I manage a spa in the smoky mountains. I do facials, nails, makeup, etc. and I also homeschool my 3 kids in the mornings and afternoons :) we have our family farm of 4 chicks, 3 rabbits, 2 dogs, and a big fat cat!
My husband retired from the US Navy after 26 years of active service in 1990 - hard to believe we've been out of the military almost as long as we were in! He worked as a private electrician for many years, then as a hot tub repairman, but the last few years the arthritis in his hands has become so bad that he had to have some fusion surgery and a total knuckle replacement done. So mostly he putters around the house, maintains a beautiful yard, and helps with the chickens. He built our coop, despite his physical problems, during the rain, wind and snows of March and April.

I raised our three kids - mostly by myself - and we have 5 amazing grandkids. We hold 6 in our hearts, but one of our oldest was killed in a car accident two years ago next month. Our youngest little sweetie has Spina Bifida. She and her sister, mom and dad (our son) live across the street from us so I'm kept very busy helping with therapy, medical appointments in Salt Lake City, Denver, and Cody and keeping her at times so her mom can have a much needed break from all the medical stuff we do for her everyday. We are also the proud great grandparents to an incredible little guy. His daddy (our oldest grandson) is serving as a nuclear reactor operator on board a submarine. I guess since we raised him it was only natural that he'd follow in his grampa's footsteps!

I am a professional writer. My first novel is well over half way completed and I write a political column for our newspaper. I'm extremely proud that my columns have been used on the floor of the US Senate three or four times by Senator Mike Enzi. Each time he uses a column, it is entered into the official US Congressional Record. My legacy to my grandkids will be that when I saw something that would have an adverse affect on their futures, I spoke up for them.
This is an older thread but a good one!
I worked with horses full-time for 10 or so years. Mostly with Standardbred racehorses. Thought it would be my forever career, but that was not the case. I wanted to start a family and knew that racing and motherhood were not always a good mix. I left racing when I fell pregnant with my 1st baby. Went back into horses shortly after bubs was born, but went into pleasure/ show horses instead. Turns out THAT is more stressful than racing, lol! Think "omg Fluffy has a scrape on their whittle nose!!!call the VET HE'S dying!!" Sort of thing.

So I had another baby (a girl!) and started working at Home Depot as a kitchen designer. I also have a design background. I am now a supervisor at my local store in the plumbing and electrical departments. Nice company to work for.

Looking into attending university to become a midwife in the next year or so. I loved my midwives and the difference they made to my pregnancy/births. Hubby is a goldsmith and he has a business in our little town. He specializes in hand engraving and makes beautiful custom pieces as well as belt buckles for rodeo/ shows. We hope to have a hobby farm in the next five years...for blossoming chicken habit!
This is an older thread but a good one!
I worked with horses full-time for 10 or so years. Mostly with Standardbred racehorses. Thought it would be my forever career, but that was not the case. I wanted to start a family and knew that racing and motherhood were not always a good mix. I left racing when I fell pregnant with my 1st baby. Went back into horses shortly after bubs was born, but went into pleasure/ show horses instead. Turns out THAT is more stressful than racing, lol! Think "omg Fluffy has a scrape on their whittle nose!!!call the VET HE'S dying!!" Sort of thing.

So I had another baby (a girl!) and started working at Home Depot as a kitchen designer. I also have a design background. I am now a supervisor at my local store in the plumbing and electrical departments. Nice company to work for.

Looking into attending university to become a midwife in the next year or so. I loved my midwives and the difference they made to my pregnancy/births. Hubby is a goldsmith and he has a business in our little town. He specializes in hand engraving and makes beautiful custom pieces as well as belt buckles for rodeo/ shows. We hope to have a hobby farm in the next five years...for blossoming chicken habit!
Oh boy, you'd better head on over to the "Understanding Chicken Math" thread right away!!

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