What Do You Want Added To The BYC Forum & Site?

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Phew... anything else? :eek:

The big items we've completed: extended smilies, chat, "my pages", and a slew of little enhancements here and there. Also a LOT of back end work and upgrades to the server to support all the growth and new posts (about 600+ new posts on this forum per DAY!)

Our master to-do list is made up of a lot of things which are posted on this topic and other topics. We are trying to balance out priorities based on what will be most beneficial to the community and what we can support in resources (both financial and time).

In general we don't like to say what is coming unless it really is close to being released. With that said, one exciting thing coming soon is Extended "my pages" which will allow members to create content for the BYC.com site.
Phew... anything else? :eek:

The big items we've completed: extended smilies, chat, "my pages", and a slew of little enhancements here and there. Also a LOT of back end work and upgrades to the server to support all the growth and new posts (about 600+ new posts on this forum per DAY!)

Our master to-do list is made up of a lot of things which are posted on this topic and other topics. We are trying to balance out priorities based on what will be most beneficial to the community and what we can support in resources (both financial and time).

In general we don't like to say what is coming unless it really is close to being released. With that said, one exciting thing coming soon is Extended "my pages" which will allow members to create content for the BYC.com site.

lol no i cant think of anything else and you have a regular job too lol how will you get all this done!

i see what you mean about you cant say because people will be like where is it where is it lol

thanks nifty for byc and all the stuff on it!!!
Hey there Nifty, I don't know if this has been mentioned before.. I'll try to word this correctly LOL
When you visit a thread (on other boards I've seen)
it highlights the thread you've visited before & keeps the ones you haven't a different color.
I like the little dot thing & the little chic by the new posts.I just get lost in trying to keep up with all the threads.

If this has been brought up before,sorry.I know you have your hands full.Yall are doing a great job here & thanks so much.
Concerning the thread list that is automatically saved under our name when we reply to a topic. I would like to see anything in our personal digest automatically go to the top of the list after someone replies. Like it does on the main board.
As it is, they are just listed in chronological order. You can have different pages of threads and the one people just responded to may be on page six or seven. When I do a search on my name I would like to see the new posts on the first page of my personal digest. I hope this makes sense.

With the most recent addition to the personal pages (the username list), would it be possible to create a way to title our personal pages.

Then, if you can query for that title, it would give greater insight to our personal pages on your username list.

Thanks in advance!
All the main pages will probably remain un-named, but all secondary personal pages are automatically titled by the name they are given when creating them. Maybe in a future version there will be more functionality built for a title of the "index" or home page... that's a good idea.

Long story short (and this applies to everything on this forum) The more people use these tools the more we build them out and add more functionality.

BTW, your idea gave me a new idea. I added the secondary "custom pages" (sorted by modified date) with the title of the pages. See it here:

Oh, adding supplies is an awesome idea and could be a good way to help cover costs of the site. I cannot find DE in my area - if it comes to the point that I have to pay shipping again I would much rather pay it to help this site. There are MANY members that look for this product and many others.

I do realize that it would involve having staff and supplies so it may be too much to bite off but it's a great idea Trey.

(and what is this smilie? does it do anything?)

Ever thought of adding an almanac, weather or garden section?

I've noticed so many of us also garden and they seem to go hand in hand.
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