What does an " egg song" sound like?


8 Years
Mar 21, 2011
I have 6 hens, 2 of witch have been laying for 2 weeks now and now a third laid her first egg yesterday. Some of them have also started making some loud noises. Is this the egg song? Its is very loud clucking. We heard it all the way in the house. I though something was wrong as first. Maple did it yesterday when she was standing outside the nest box before she laid her egg. Other than this they are pretty quiet girls.
look it up on youtube
so cute!! bock,bock,bock,bock BAGOCK!!! Very noisy and proud.
Thanks, and yes it was that sound! Will the others do it when another hen is laying an egg? When Goldie did it yesterday the other girls got real quiet and perked up their heads out in the run. I guess they just do it when the mood strikes? Maple laid her " noon" egg and not a peep.

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