What does every have as a set up for feeding their chickens? I want to see yours!


In the Brooder
Jun 23, 2024
We currently have two of these feeders. One is smaller and we have it hung by a rope off the ground but the larger one keeps falling and pellets go everywhere šŸ˜… (the chickens don't mind eating off the ground when this happens but I don't want them constantly eating their pellets off the coop run floor)

Trying to decide the best way to set up feeders for our 10 chickens that wont waste food, and wont attract rodents. Would love to see people's set ups! Thanks šŸ˜Š


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I'd offer, but "won't attract rodents" means I'm out. What I do do is only put down the amount of feed they will eat in about 10 minutes - they free range the rest of the day for their intake.

That's not practical for most, and has nothing to do with feeder design.
Thanks for your response! Our flock is also free range. We had the two feeders because we have some 11 week old silkies and a frizzle so we wanted to make sure they were getting food. šŸ˜…
Trying to decide the best way to set up feeders for our 10 chickens that wont waste food, and wont attract rodents.
I have 10 hens in an enclosed run. The run is not mouse/chipmunk proof, and we have a lot of both.

I have 3 open bowls of feed; two in the run, one in the coop, so that the chickens have a choice. The one in the coop is out of line of sight of the others, which can help if one of the birds is trying to keep others away from food, as when integrating new birds into the flock.

All food is removed or stored, covered, at night. I have not seen any evidence of any critters getting into the coop.

Once, I saw a mouse run into the chicken run during the day, and it didn't go well for the mouse.

As for waste, I have 2 of the bowls sitting in a plastic food storage bin. Any spills end up in the bin and can be dumped back into the bowl. The third bowl is in something to keep it from tipping. (Hard to describe, so I'll have to get a picture.) The fine bits at the bottom of the bowl are ignored, so I save them and use them for their mash snack. Mash snack is just their regular feed wetted into a mash, and they go nuts for it. Very little feed is wasted here.
I have 10 hens in an enclosed run. The run is not mouse/chipmunk proof, and we have a lot of both.

I have 3 open bowls of feed; two in the run, one in the coop, so that the chickens have a choice. The one in the coop is out of line of sight of the others, which can help if one of the birds is trying to keep others away from food, as when integrating new birds into the flock.

All food is removed or stored, covered, at night. I have not seen any evidence of any critters getting into the coop.

Once, I saw a mouse run into the chicken run during the day, and it didn't go well for the mouse.

As for waste, I have 2 of the bowls sitting in a plastic food storage bin. Any spills end up in the bin and can be dumped back into the bowl. The third bowl is in something to keep it from tipping. (Hard to describe, so I'll have to get a picture.) The fine bits at the bottom of the bowl are ignored, so I save them and use them for their mash snack. Mash snack is just their regular feed wetted into a mash, and they go nuts for it. Very little feed is wasted here.
That's a good set up! We aren't super worried about critters as we have two cats that take care of almost all rodents! I never thought of doing separate bowls and covering them at night. Thank you!
I use a five gallon bucket feeder with ports on the sides. I have some caps that came with some of the ports to use at night as plugs. Worst case, I stuff the ports with a couple plastic grocery bags so rodents canā€™t just climb in and feast. If I find a bag has been messed with, I know I have a problem and can deal with it.
My main feeder for dry feed inside the coop is similar to the OPs. Since it sounds like some of the spillage is caused by the feeder being suspended, you can put something under it to keep it from swinging, like I use an overturned plant pot:


I also serve fermented feed out in the run in whatever small bowls I can get: ramekins, cat food dishes, etc. The chickens naturally clean up whatever mess they make and once those bowls are empty they turn to the dry feed the rest of the day.

Dry feeder gets locked up at night to minimize attraction for rodents and FF bowls come inside and get cleaned out. Any dry feed that does happen to get spilled gets cleaned up by the flock the next morning.

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