What does God do with dogs after they die????

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2 Kgs. 2: 11 -- And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and **horses** of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.
Seems there are horses in heaven since they took Elijah there. I would assume that "horses of fire" would be horses in their angel or translated form.
To D.K.... and any other christians who study the bible and know it well.... please help me w/ this question.... where in the bible does it say we go to heaven or hell when we die? I am not being sarcastic in anyway, and I am not trying to start a debate either. You can p.m. or email if you don't want to discuss this on here. I've asked different Pastor's this ? and can't seem to get an answer. One said that the bible says when we die our souls sleep until Jesus comes back for us. So if it does say that.. then why do people always (including Pastor's and at funerals) say that when people die they go to heaven?

I know this is a little off of the original topic... but I truly want to know. This has always baffled me. Esp. as to why it's a touchy topic w/ Pastor's. And I figure since you're all talking about heaven.... no better time than now to ask about it.

I know that animals have souls, you can see it in their eyes. Animals are the only ones created who honestly give true love. There are no bad animals; unless humans make them that way.

Where ever my cats and dogs go when they die, is where I want to go. My doxie was sent to me 13yrs ago at a time when I needed a constant loving companion. I don't take that lightly and when I look in her eyes, I see her soul. She is probably the only reason I am alive today. I give that back 100%. I try and live by this quote "You can judge the heart of a man, by the treatment of his animals" by Emannaul Kant.

With all the cruelty that is in the heart of humans, how can we think we are the only ones with souls?
I was raised Catholic, and the original (although in retrospect not necessarily the *best*
) reason why I gave up on it as a teenager was in fact the whole thing about animals having no souls and not going to heaven. I suppose that, as a grownup, I can *maybe* buy what I was told at the time, that however much you care about animals here on earth by the time you get to Heaven you will discover that basking in the radiant presence of God Himself is quite sufficient without horses and kitties and whatnot. But still, beyond that, I'm sorry but when I look into my cats' eyes, there is not any less 'someone' looking back out at me than when I look into another person's eyes, and if that's not soul then I have no particular reason, other than a thousands-years-old piece of parchment among a variety of other, rather contradictory, thousands-years-old parchment, to believe that HUMANS have souls either. Hmph. Not trying to pick a fight, of course, just trying to explain how I personally feel.

I remember bugging a sunday school (or CCD?) teacher about the whole animals-and-souls thing, and being told that it was somewhere in the Bible but he couldn't remember where and basically I should go away and stop asking questions. I honestly don't think it *is* set forth unambiguously in the Bible, though, and very strongly suspect that it is part of the fairly large amount of religious dogma that comes from church traditions and (in Catholocism) Vatican decree, rather than literally from the Old or New Testament.

It would seem pretty obvious, though, why Christianity is so adamant about animals having no souls, as it would open up a huge can of worms (did Jesus die on the cross to save tigers, too? Does a naughty puppy go to Hell? If animals do have souls then is it really ok to kill and eat them? etcetera)

After I die, if there is any 'me' left to go around recognizing anyone or anything, I am absolutely positive that kitties and horses and chickens and frogs and all the myriad unnamed creatures of the world, too, will be right there alongside me.


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We have our chocolate lab who recently passed away buried in our back yard. I believe the main thing is to tell or explain to your dog during the burial that this is their new home and they will be forever loved and remembered.
Why would you think that animals have no souls? I was raised a Christian and we certainly were taught that animals have souls...
If having a "soul" means the ability to show love, devotion, faithfulness, selflessness and compassion, there are a lot of animals out there that are better off than a lot of humans.
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