what does your oyster shell and grit feeder look like?

i just mix a couple handfuls in with their feed everyday or everyother day.

eta: they eat it better that way. they like picking through to find it. when its readily available in a container all by itself they are not interested and wont touch it. and since i started doing this, you can now drop my eggs and they wont break. everyone that i give eggs to now is telling me what a pain they are to crack open. while theyre irritated im as happy as can be lol....no they all think its neat when i tell them that just mean their eggs are healthier.
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I just took a shallow clay flower pot and put a screw + washer through the bottom hole to attach it to a 2x4 in the coop. I have stopped filling it though, as my birds have decided oyster shell is the most delicious of all treats. They blew through a full potful one day. For the next week or so they layed eggs with weird grainy bumps, which, I assume were from the calcium overdose.
Funny thing is, my last flock had an oyster shell feeder and they never touched it in their entire lives.
Empty plastic quart-size yogurt containers. I cut away a section about a third of the way down, punched a few holes in the bottom for drainage, two holes just under the rim for wires, and hung them on the side of the coop on hooks. They have one filled with oyster shell and one for grit filled with fine sand I got from the gravel and cement place. They work great. And you're recycling!

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