What fruits and veggies can I fed my 6 week old chicks?


Jul 19, 2021
I have 4 silkies and 1 mixed bantam. I want to give them treats but don’t know what to give them other than crushed meal worms. They are 6 weeks old in a couple days.


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I have 4 silkies and 1 mixed bantam. I want to give them treats but don’t know what to give them other than crushed meal worms. They are 6 weeks old in a couple days.
Whatever they will eat..lol.. Mine liked the black soldier fly larvae from Grubterra, red chard and strawberry kabobs I would make them, broccoli sliced down the middle so they can eat out the stem too, low-fat cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, grass cut up very small, dandelion leaves, carrots, carrot tops, the list is endless..and get small sized chick grit too if you feed other than starter..I was putting mine out in the big coop under a Sweeter Heater at that age..
They'll eat whatever they want to. Mine LOVE tomatoes and plums, so those might be good for yours!
I think you’ll like the Japanese prints I selected for my coop..I figured the girls might like pics of their ancestors..


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Whatever they will eat..lol.. Mine liked the black soldier fly larvae from Grubterra, red chard and strawberry kabobs I would make them, broccoli sliced down the middle so they can eat out the stem too, low-fat cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, grass cut up very small, dandelion leaves, carrots, carrot tops, the list is endless..and get small sized chick grit too if you feed other than starter..I was putting mine out in the big coop under a Sweeter Heater at that age..
I have small chit grit. I tried giving them chopped up seedless watermelon today and chopped tomato yesterday and them seem afraid of it. They didn’t eat it… maybe because its new? They like to be held… should I try hand feeding them it?
if you can hand feed that is awesome, we just started hand feeding our 21 week old pullets and we only have 2 that will do it, but my daughter LOVES it.

Ours love grapes, bananas, scrambled eggs, shredded carrots and cabbage
I have small chit grit. I tried giving them chopped up seedless watermelon today and chopped tomato yesterday and them seem afraid of it. They didn’t eat it… maybe because its new? They like to be held… should I try hand feeding them it?
They will be afraid of new things..mine were 17mweeks old, I trotted into the run wearing a plaid pair of night pants and camo sloggers instead of my usual black tennies and blue jeans, and they freaked out like I was Chicken Satan..! And I thought they were not going to do stuff like that anymore..They are prey animals, extremely attentive to what’s usual, all new things will take adjustment..with food, even if they seem to dislike it, just leave it for them..I guarantee in a couple hours it will be gone. It takes one braver than the rest, then, the rest follow!

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