What Greens do chickens like?

Grapes, they go bonkers for grapes!
Mine won't eat grapes on a bet! But they like watermelon, strawberry tops and tomatoes (red is a theme!). Leftover spaghetti with sauce too, yum! Lettuce about to go bad. Spinach, same. They don't get much else and none of this very often. I want them to get the good, balanced nutrition I pay for.
I've tried a few different garden greens but my chickens absolute favorite green snack is... random weeds around the yard.
haha - ours are the same way. I can pluck spinach, cabbage, lettuce, marigolds, lavender, lemongrass, dill, peppermint and thyme from the garden -- no takers. Weeds and grass - they're all over it. :drool
I have epicures, apparently,. They like melons, especially with the seeds left in - I buy seeded watermelon for them in our over 100 degree days. They like very leafy Swiss chard, but not the rainbow colored stuff. They love grapes, but if they are not small (like the ones I grow) I have to halve or quarter them - the grapes, not the chickens. Everything else they just walk away from.
Hi again, I’m just wondering what fruit and veggies chickens like to eat. Mine are being a bit picky. We’ve given them lettuce, silver beet, spinach, carrots, cucumber, apple, broccolini and sweet corn and they don’t seem to want any of it. They are sometimes interested in the cucumber and occasionally peck at the spinach, but apart from that they don’t seem interested. We have, or had, a lot of greenery in the garden, but they’ve eaten most of it so we’re trying to supply them with extra. What other greens can we try?
Chickweed. Really, LOL.
We sprout our own seeds in a home-sprouting kit we picked up on Amazon. Very easy to do and just about all of our two dozen very picky birds love 'em. We rotate 2 or 3 jars and have 2 or 3 crops every week. By not giving them to the birds every day, the sprouts become more of a "treat" -- so the birds don't get tired of them like they would if we put them out in every meal.

I go for the fastest-sprouting seeds: alfalfa, "cat grass," and especially sunflower seeds.
My pheasants love most greens, but especially leaves from brambles, raspberry and currants. I also treat them to pots of basil, parsley, chives and - the best one - pansys and violets! As they are going out of season I buy plug plants and place them randomly in the run.

They also love bramble berries and apples!
In general the pheasants are forever hungry for anything but their feed. 😅.

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