What I thought was broodiness, I now believe to be sickness, please help.


Jul 12, 2024
My brown leghorn, Sofia, roughly a year and a half seems to be sick. I would like to say her symptoms have been going on for about a month. She is lethargic, comb is completely floppy, and today I notice that her cloaca is covered in white paste. She used to be our matriarch but now the other birds pick on her. She is broody, having plucked her stomach feathers but I’m worried she is sick.

I am not the only caretaker for the flock, my grandma collects the eggs and also sees them on a daily basis while sometimes I do not. I’m not sure she has been laying on a consistent basis.

This is something we will treat at home as my family will not make the effort to take our birds to the vet. Any advice will be highly appreciated.


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She is lethargic, comb is completely floppy, and today I notice that her cloaca is covered in white paste. She used to be our matriarch but now the other birds pick on her. She is broody, having plucked her stomach feathers but I’m worried she is sick.
When was her last egg?

That doesn't look like broody poop.

She has some urates built up around the vent. Just give her a good washing.

Check to make sure her crop is emptying. If it's not emptpying, then begin addressing that symptom. https://www.backyardchickens.com/ar...w-to-know-which-one-youre-dealing-with.73607/

I would suspect that she may have a reproductive problem, but it probably wouldn't hurt to deworm her if she's never been dewormed.

You can find Safeguard Liquid Goat dewormer at TSC. Dose is 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once daily for 5 days in row.
When was her last egg?

That doesn't look like broody poop.

She has some urates built up around the vent. Just give her a good washing.

Check to make sure her crop is emptying. If it's not emptpying, then begin addressing that symptom. https://www.backyardchickens.com/ar...w-to-know-which-one-youre-dealing-with.73607/

I would suspect that she may have a reproductive problem, but it probably wouldn't hurt to deworm her if she's never been dewormed.

You can find Safeguard Liquid Goat dewormer at TSC. Dose is 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once daily for 5 days in row.

I checked her crop and it’s fine. My grandmother said she hasn’t laid in probably a week or two. I haven’t seen any worms in her poop either. I’m at such a loss and I know my baby feels bad. I really wish I knew why.
Ok, well tell her the scraps and scratch should be less than 10% of there diet, its like junk food for themselves.:]
I guess because they don’t get to forage for grass she supplements with fresh veggies a lot. Should we be giving them layer pellets only?

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