What is a good natural antibiotic for my sweet hen?


Aug 26, 2023
My hen is 4 years old hen stopped laying eggs ,started slowing down she's not active like she used to be,just like her mom and aunts ,I took a two of my girls to see avian dr.and both were diagnosed with egg cellulitis? I believe that's spelled right,it's where there egg drops, misses the cup,and stayes in their bodies and cooks then rots and causes swelling and they need to be drained and put on a steady doses of antibiotics to fight infection.My question is ,' what is a good natural antibiotic I can give to her or is there even such a thing.
My hen is 4 years old hen stopped laying eggs ,started slowing down she's not active like she used to be,just like her mom and aunts ,I took a two of my girls to see avian dr.and both were diagnosed with egg cellulitis? I believe that's spelled right,it's where there egg drops, misses the cup,and stayes in their bodies and cooks then rots and causes swelling and they need to be drained and put on a steady doses of antibiotics to fight infection.My question is ,' what is a good natural antibiotic I can give to her or is there even such a thing.

I guess they have egg salpingitis or lash egg. there is no natural antibiotic for that. even prescribed antibiotics might not work - my experience.
egg cellulitis? I believe that's spelled right,it's where there egg drops, misses the cup,and stayes in their bodies and cooks then rots and causes swelling and they need to be drained and put on a steady doses of antibiotics to fight infection
it sounds like egg yolk peritonitis or EYP. Draining the swelling and giving antibiotics just prolong her suffering; there is no cure from this. Sorry :hugs
See https://www.msdvetmanual.com/poultry/disorders-of-the-reproductive-system-in-poultry/egg-peritonitis-in-poultry?query=egg yolk peritonitis

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