What is all the squawking for?


Woody Hollow
15 Years
Sep 23, 2007
Beaufort, MO
I have three hens that I NEVER hear a sound from walking around since I left them out squawking as loud as they can. They are not together. I can not figure out what is wrong. Now if it was my SS hen, I just ignore her. She does it all the time until she finds some place to lay or finds her man.
Does it sound like this --------> bok bok bok bok BAGAWWWWWWK? (or something close to that)

If so, that's the egg song. Most hens do some variation of the egg song. It means your hen has laid an egg or is thinking about laying an egg. And it can be VERY loud.
Mine did the same thing the weekend before last - all started being loud all of a sudden when they were always quiet before. I got my first egg last Sunday!
No, it's more of a loud scratchy annoying squawk and these little ladies are a year old and so they have been laying for a long while. Everything has been quiet for hours now, so whatever was the problem they all worked it out individually.
Mine do that as soon as they hear the back door open and I walk in the backyard...I call it growling. They get louder and louder until I let them out of the run LOL....Guess they have ME trained!

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