What is happening with my chick?


In the Brooder
Jul 4, 2024
Hello! I got six chicks two days ago, they ranged from 1-4 days old. All were very healthy and active. Today, one (a little Pekin bantam) is still active though slightly less than the others, eating and drinking well, but looks like she’s perhaps panting when at rest. She opens and closes her beak repeatedly. And when she starts to fall asleep and her head drops, she wakes up, makes a funny trilling sound, and pushes her head up against the brooder plate. She also tries to rest her head on the others’ backs, which they usually don’t appreciate. If I hold her in my hands, she rests her head on my thumb and sleeps relatively peacefully. Could she have eaten a bit of shaving that’s made her uncomfortable? She’s probably three days old. This is our first time raising chicks, so I don’t have much basis for comparison, but she doesn’t seem normal to me today.

I have attached a video, she’s the grey one in the background to the right, starting out with her head on a friend’s back.
First, the one pecking the camera is too cute! Second, imma wait for those with more expertise in illnesses chime in as to what's wrong exactly but if you think that she may have ate some shavings get her some chick grit stat. Even if that's not what's wrong I'd still give everyone some grit especially since you're using the fine pine bedding instead of the pine flakes (flakes are better for chicks since they're less likely to eat it). Hope she gets better soon!
The first thing I check is to make sure a new chick doesn't have pasty butt. That's where their vent gets blocked by a bit of poop and they get clogged up. If you find that gently clean it off with a wet paper towel. Don't pull it off.

If that checks out OK then you could always give the chick some electrolytes to give it a little extra boost.

In my last group this spring I had one that seemed a little more wobbly than the others and not as excited about food. I took her out and did the electrolyte solution and offered some hard boiled egg yolk that was minced up and she ate it.

She eventually caught up with the others and is fine so maybe she's just a slow starter? Some in my group seemed more sleepy than others.

But definitely keep an eye on her to make sure she is eating, drinking and pooping.
Thank you! The grit is definitely fine chick grit, we got it specially for the babies. They’ve all been very excited about it just now :D I’ve checked her bum a few times and it’s nice and clean. I haven’t seen her do any poos, but it’s hard to keep track of who is doing what in there! Are there any DIY electrolyte recipes? I don’t know if I can get ready made electrolytes here. I’ll give her a bit of egg yolk in a bit and see what she thinks.
T Are there any DIY electrolyte recipes? I don’t know if I can get ready made electrolytes here. I’ll give her a bit of egg yolk in a bit and see what she thinks.
Here is the first recipe I found in a search. There may be others on BYC so just do a search and you might find a variety.


I keep something called Guardian Angel on hand for all the girls JIC.

Some people give raw egg yolk. I always cook it.

And some people give sick chickens milk. I've never done that and am not sure what the benefits might be. It never occurred to me to give a chicken dairy products.
Thank you! The grit is definitely fine chick grit, we got it specially for the babies. They’ve all been very excited about it just now :D I’ve checked her bum a few times and it’s nice and clean. I haven’t seen her do any poos, but it’s hard to keep track of who is doing what in there! Are there any DIY electrolyte recipes? I don’t know if I can get ready made electrolytes here. I’ll give her a bit of egg yolk in a bit and see what she thinks.
Water, pinch of sugar, pinch of salt, pinch of baking soda
I wouldn't offer milk, but egg yolks, plain yogurt, wet chick feed and the electrolyte recipes the others posted are good. If you have a tractor supply near you they should have some electrolyte powder for chickens. I use hydrohen myself as that's what's available in my particular store but rooster booster and nutridrench are really good
Is she just weak/lethargic/tired or is she developing neurological issues? If she’s dizzy, tipsy, drunk, circling that is probably brain/balance issues. If she’s fully in control of her balance and movements, just sluggish, weak, or lazy seeming then is more likely a muscular or physical issue. Do chickens get narcolepsy (joke!)?

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