What is more EVIL a 2nd grade girl or a silkie???

Do you have any cousins in CT ???

I see your dad has taught you well!
Well, maybe I should clarify...

I did say AVERAGE 14 yr old girl, after all. There are many 14 yr old girls that are WAY BETTER than average and not self-centered, boy chasing, back-stabbing, shallow, fashion crazy, etc...

I was one myself

Of course, I was also not crazy into boys and how I looked or being hateful to other people, or what the Paris Hilton's of my day were doing and wearing. I was into my pets and my close circle of friends and trying to be a good person.

Then again, I wasn't the most popular girl in school, or at the 'in' parties, or drinking every Friday night or doing who knows what with the boy of the week either. Such a nerdy square I was... of course, I'm a pretty well-adjusted and happy adult now, who can honestly say to my kids that I did NOT do all that stuff that gets kids in trouble when they go too far with it.

And, there are your always the exceptional 8yr old girl who is just as bad as the average 14 yr old....
New Chick, I figured you didn't belong in that category. I'm sure you know some of 'THOSE' girls yourself and you know that they would not be over here on the chicken forum. They're too busy plotting how to get their parents to pay for the latest $400 pair of boots or pocket book they saw some celebrity wearing today...

The only comfort is knowing that one day MOST of them will grow up and realize there is more to life than makeup and boys. On the other hand, there are those who never 'get it' and then wonder why their lives seem so empty.
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