What is more EVIL a 2nd grade girl or a silkie???

Mark, how do you find the patience to teach 2nd grade. I thought only women
had that gene. My hat's off to ya man. I'd last a week or so before they would
have to hospitilize me.

LynnGrigg, thanks for those kind words. It's nice to know when you make people

Thanks everyone for the words of wisdom. When Drumstick gets home from school
I can't wait to tell him his post is up to 5 pages.

This time of year is kind of touch and go. Actually, I just had to break up a skuffle in the hall way. Boys are great. They beat the snot out of each other, cry, shake hands, apologize and everything is fine. Girls wage psychological warfare.

Drum My guess would be that the girl is worse than a silkie,(and silkies are bad) If I remember my chickenology, silkies do not get cooties, and Girls at any age are INFESTED with Cooties, and I dont think there is any known Cure for COOTIES. So my advice is stay clear of both.
"Mdbucks ...Girls at any age are INFESTED with Cooties, and I dont think there is any known Cure for COOTIES."


Infested with cooties huh?? Poor little Drum, he will always wonder about that now!!!!
I thought DE takes care of cooties. If not then I've got some explaining
to do. I gave Drum a bag of DE to sprinkle on his little girlfirends.
Well, Drumstick, it appears second grade girls are winning the title of all evil. And I have to add a vote. It wasn't long ago I was a second grade girl. I know how our minds work.. Certainly the silkies can't even begin to touch on what runs through our minds.

Good luck.

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