What is stealing my eggs?


Jun 28, 2024
I opened up my coop this morning and there were broken eggs in and outside the nesting box and my girls did not want to come down from roosting so I’m guessing it happened recently enough to spook them? It was light outside and there coop was locked so I’m not sure what could have made it in and out?

- there is ventilation windows about 4 feet off the ground and covered in chicken wire, upon inspection the wire is still intact no teeth marks or anything

- we have also been having a bad skunk problem in my neighborhood but I have seen snakes but figured they would of swallowed the eggs whole


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That is so strange! One (not very likely, just throwing it out there) possibility could be that the girls ate their eggs. We've had such problems before and that could be confirmed if there's yolk on their feathers. Although my chickens ate the entire egg, shell included.

Another more likely possibility, considering coop is locked and wire intact, is that some rodent of sorts dug a tunnel below the chicken wire and got in that way. More probable considering the girls are spooked. You could check if there's anything odd outside the coop (tunnels/digging/etc.), or if there is any other place something could have slipped in. Best of luck figuring it out!
Probably rats or mice. They can slip through chicken wire, as can snakes and members of the weasel family. It's not a snake because they swallow the eggs whole, and if it was a weasel it would have killed your chickens instead.

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