I live in Florida and want to raise my own meat birds. What are the top breeds for my area? They will be free ranged along with grain. What feed protein do I use and what needs to be in the food. Have a feed mill near me. I do not want Cornish X fast growers.
What is the average cost per bird? Just looking at what the high and low cost might be. Who has the best prices on chicks and shipping?
Thank-you everyone for any and all help. I process my extra roos and rabbits now. Will be processing pork this fall.
Thank-you for all the help and advice,
I live in Florida and want to raise my own meat birds. What are the top breeds for my area? They will be free ranged along with grain. What feed protein do I use and what needs to be in the food. Have a feed mill near me. I do not want Cornish X fast growers.
What is the average cost per bird? Just looking at what the high and low cost might be. Who has the best prices on chicks and shipping?
Thank-you everyone for any and all help. I process my extra roos and rabbits now. Will be processing pork this fall.
Thank-you for all the help and advice,
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