What is the gender of my Ayam Cemani?

We bought an ayam Cemani
from a local farmer a few months ago. they said she was 2 months old when we got her. So now she would be 5-6 months old. It’s hard to find detailed research on this breed. One thing said they start laying eggs at 10-12 months. And I can’t find anything about when they are considered fully grown and when a cockerel will begin crowing. My rosecomb started baby crowing at 2 weeks and my Rhode Island Red started at 5 months, so I don’t know. I’m starting to wonder if she is a he indeed. Because she has been mounting all of the hens. She gets kicked off so quickly that she doesn’t get a chance to try to stick her butt against theirs, so maybe she isn’t mating but just a dick? But then I look at her and she has a really big tail so much do that 2 of the feathers are curling down just like a roosters and her comb/wattles are medium sized right now, which is what a hens comb is would be and also what a young roosters would be. I can’t tell. I’ve attached pictures: This is Coalette (possibly just Coal)

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