what is this black/green chicken?

My money would be a Sumatra hen. The blacker comb is why I guess that the BA hens have redder combs. Also it looks like more of a pea comb type than a single comb type. The egg color would be another good clue. If it is white or tinted it's a Sumatra and if it's brown it's a BA.
its not a black australorp because of the black face. its not sumatra because the body is too big. that leaves jersey giant . a young jersey giant pullet already bigger than the other hens but comb and wattles not red yet.
If it has black legs and black feet as described my guess would be that it is a Black Australorp cross as its face does not really look BA . She looks very similar to a little EE I have who is mainly BA but who now lays us beautiful olive greeen eggs. The photo below is not the greatest as the sun is shining on her making her look lighter but you can get the general body and head comparison idea.


I agree that she does look younger than 6 months. I would say about 16 weeks.....
pips&peeps :

It's either a sumatra or a sumatra cross. BA's do not have gypsey faces.


Also, she appears to have a pea comb. Australorps, Jerseys don't.
She looks just like my Sumatra girls, pretty!
I agree. Its head shape does not quite fit an Black Australorp. Looks to be Jersey Giant or an Jersey Australorp cross. One thing I have noticed with Jerseys is the comb and wattles on the hen really seem to run much smaller than a Black Australorp at the same age, and throughout life.

If your hens just moved to your place recently, you need to give them a few weeks to adjust to the new enviroment befoer they start to lay. Some will adjust faster, others slower. Also keep in mind, alot of folks will sell off birds during this season (fall, winter) because they know the birds might be going into molt (a time when they lose tons of feathers, and laying can slow waaaaaay down) and they dont want to feed less productive hens. Also, as winter approaches, many birds will slow down in laying due to lack of daylight and the temps.

So, give them time, watch for molting, and most important- give them LOTS of yummy treats!!
I don't know what she is, but I don't think she has the right body shape or tail to be a Sumatra. She seems pretty large and shaped more like a Black Australorp or Jersey Giant, although her comb doesn't seem right for either of those either.

This was my australorp at 11 weeks:


Here she is at 23 weeks (check out the comb!). If your chicken is 6 months old, there's no way she's an australorp.


The green sheen is beautiful and will show itself in any pure black chicken - this was one of my Black Stars (I did have a black star that had a black comb and wattles, but she outgrew them - her comb and wattles turned red eventually:


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