What is this chicken thinking?

Shake those wattles!
Rudolph the red wattled Rooster Had a very large comb. The hens would all say he's handsome, When around the yard he'd roam. All of the other roosters Reacted with jealousy. They would all chase poor Rudolph Round and round and round the tree. Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Rudolph had enough. "If you don't give me respect, Things are going to get quite rough!" Then all the roosters ran off. They were really terrified. The gift he'd received for Christmas, Was a new sense of pride!
Rudolph the red wattled Rooster
Had a very large comb.
The hens would all say he's handsome,
When around the yard he'd roam.

All of the other roosters
Reacted with jealousy.
They would all chase poor Rudolph
Round and round and round the tree.

Then one foggy Christmas Eve,
Rudolph had enough.
"If you don't give me respect,
Things are going to get quite rough!"

Then all the roosters ran off.
They were really terrified.
The gift he'd received for Christmas,
Was a new sense of pride!

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