What is this girl doing? (Goose body language question!)


In the Brooder
Jun 17, 2024
Greetings! Long time lurker, and finally joined! I’m new to geese.

I have a pair of Africans- Laverne & Shirley. They’re about 3 months old. Shirley holds her head high/up towards the air and makes a kissing sound towards me. Kind of like a “smack smack” noise. Picture making a literal kissy noise, and that’s it! She does this a lot! What is this girl trying to communicate? She tends to make this noise after her usual happy greetings/when she’s just hanging out and being petted. I just want to make sure this is a good noise, and not that I’m annoying her! Thanks in advance!
Greetings! Long time lurker, and finally joined! I’m new to geese.

I have a pair of Africans- Laverne & Shirley. They’re about 3 months old. Shirley holds her head high/up towards the air and makes a kissing sound towards me. Kind of like a “smack smack” noise. Picture making a literal kissy noise, and that’s it! She does this a lot! What is this girl trying to communicate? She tends to make this noise after her usual happy greetings/when she’s just hanging out and being petted. I just want to make sure this is a good noise, and not that I’m annoying her! Thanks in advance!
It’s sort of a greeting/ expression of happiness.

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