What is this on my rooster's comb?


5 Years
Apr 30, 2018
Climax Springs, MO
Can anyone help me identify this stuff on my rooster's comb and tell me how to treat it? He is 7 months old and is the only rooster among 12 hens. They are all Buff Orpingtons. They have a secure covered run. (10 x 20 ) and a 8 x 12 coop. We live in a valley and there is very little wind. We have been leaving the coop door open and have blocked what little wind that might enter the run on the end that coop door is on. We do have an automatic door but so many of the chickens were not getting into the coop before the door closed we just left the door open to ensure they get in. I tell you this because we have considered frostbite. But our lowest temp so far has only been 28. And they do all go into the coop before morning. We have good upper ventilation and no drafts in the coop.

This erosion of his comb is on both sides and a tiny bit at the back. This rest looks fine. He seems to not be bothered by it and his eating, drinking and acting fine. None of the hens seem affected.

Thank you so much




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