What is your Chicken's Favourite Food? (List 3 only)

Hello everyone,

Thanks for sharing your lists! I totally agree with you SouthernBYChickens and Yakibert about earthworms. My chickens dig up so many in the garden and get all excited thinking it's a skink or small lizard, but when they actually discover it's an earthworm they're usually so disappointed.

The tally has changed and we have a clear winner now, with a few others tied for second place and third place. I have updated the tally to include all the new submissions, so it currently stands as thus:

Bugs = 11 (These include: Ants, Black Soldier Fly Larvae, Cockroaches, Grubs, Junebugs, Mayflies, Moths, Stinkbugs & Worms)
Meal Worms (Fresh or Dried) = 8
Eggs (Boiled or Scrambled) = 8
Bread (Fresh or Stale) = 8
Corn (Kernels or Cob) = 5
Grapes = 5
Yoghurt (Flavoured, Natural, Kefir, Buttermilk or Clabbered Milk) = 5
Meat = 4
Grass = 3
Lettuce = 3
Watermelon = 3
Sunflower Seeds = 3
Suet (Raw Animal Fat) = 3
Oats (Raw or Oatmeal) = 3
Broccoli (including Leaves) = 2
Clover = 2
Strawberries = 2
Noodles = 2
Tomatoes = 2
Corn Tortillas = 2
Popcorn = 2
Azolla (Aquatic Fern) = 1
Cheese = 1
Cottage Cheese = 1
Cabbage = 1
Mushrooms = 1
Gophers = 1
Fish = 1
Hamburger = 1
Butterfingers = 1
Cheeze Its = 1
Goat Milk = 1
Lamyaay (Thai Fruit) = 1
Bird Seed = 1
Pizza = 1
Pasta = 1
Blueberries = 1
Pepperoni = 1
Chickweed = 1
Hackberry Leaves = 1
Human Toes! (Stormy Autumn's Ducks) = 1

Earthworms = 2
Thawed Frozen Berries = 2
Oats (Raw) = 2
Cabbage = 1
Lettuce = 1
Pumpkin Seeds = 1
Citrus Fruits = 1
Dairy Cow Pellets = 1
Potato Peels = 1
Onion Skins = 1
Dryopteris Ferns = 1
Corn (Kernels or Cob) = 1

Gold Coaster
I tried giving my chicks a strawberry the other day...they just looked at it and walked away. I came back to it covered in poo. I think that means they dont like it
1. sardines in tomato sauce

2. cucumbers
3. strawberries
( they also like to be hand fed these things except for the sardines. I have to draw the line somewhere.

This list also depends on the season. They also love watermelon and zucchini in the summer.

1. lettuce
2. ?
1. sardines in tomato sauce

2. cucumbers
3. strawberries
( they also like to be hand fed these things except for the sardines. I have to draw the line somewhere.

Hello MissChikaDee,

My chickens love sardines also! Especially the soft spine. I agree with you, it really pongs and all the neighbourhood cats can smell it from a mile away.

Gold Coaster
#1 Bugs, Has got to be every ones favorite.
#2 Sweet corn on the cob. Throw just 1 cob in and its complete mayhem.
#3 Yellow squash. Just found this out with some crook neck squash that got too old on the vine. Sliced it in half and threw in in the rum. Pure madness.

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