What is your favorite. breed of Chickens and Why

I know I haven't posted in a while but got busy with 8 inches of snow, but anyway I'm curious about what peoples favorite breed is and why?

my Favorite breed is either a buff orpinton ,ayam cemani,EE, or Wyandotte because they are nice and generally calm also 3 of four breeds are good egg layers for me can't say anything about the ayam eggs because he is a rooster .

you can have more than one favorite breed because there are so many breeds!!!
Any kind kind of bantam they’re my absolute favorite. Why- they’re small, their eggs have more yolk than white, and love to go broody.

Polish. Why-they’re hilarious

Naked Necks. Why- I’m not real sure I just like them
I've answered here before but gotta update since I've added more breeds to my flock. I now have some Copper Marans, both blue and black, but they're young, only about two months old. Also have four Speckled Sussexes, same age. Just to refresh, for many years I mostly had EEs, then I branched out a bit and tried a few Brown Leghorns, Buff Orps, Black Australorps and Dominiques. It's easier to say which ones I WON'T be ordering again, and that would be the Leghorns (freakishly flighty) and the Orps (too broody, not productive, though very sweet and beautiful).

I will always have EEs. I like my Doms and Aussies. But I'm finding, even at this young age, that the (EDIT sorry, meant the Sussexes) are real characters. They are bonding to me in a way no other birds have to date. My birds have never been pets. I'm starting to think these girls will be. I've named one Merida, after the main character in the Disney feature Brave. She's a real hoot, she is. 😆
My fav breeds are All the breed of chickens I have such as ( I have 14 chickens total ) Blackstar, White rock, Production red, Silkies ( I have 4 ), Gold seabrights, Mille fleur d uccle, Light Brahma, silver laced Wyandotte, Turken, & cream leg bar. and the reason why is I have all these breeds and their like my kids lol
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My fav breeds are All the breed of chickens I have such as ( I have 14 chickens total ) Blackstar, White rock, Production red, Silkies ( I have 4 ), Gold seabrights, Mille fleur d uccle, Light Brahma, silver laced Wyandotte, Turken. and the reason why is I have all these breeds and their like my kids lol
Wyandottes are SO pretty! I have no room for more chickens right now, but I'd love to have at least one SLW and a Cream Crested Legbar or two.

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