What killed my chicken?

For your sake and the chickens I would recommend you mink proof your coop even if it is not the predator
Is you coop wired on the bottom?
Do you have small gaps that mink or even rats can fit through?
Set up your game can and monitor if carefully cause then you have a better idea of what you are dealing with
:pop Keep us updated! If you can trap it and it isn't a protected animal, I would suggest culling it humanly so it doesn't come back. Once a predator has had a taste of chicken blood it will not stop eating and killing your chickens.
So... The only thing frequenting the chicken area appears to be a skunk. We got it last night. No more skunk. I love them for pest control, but it had become a pest itself.
So... The only thing frequenting the chicken area appears to be a skunk. We got it last night. No more skunk. I love them for pest control, but it had become a pest itself.


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For your sake and the chickens I would recommend you mink proof your coop even if it is not the predator
Is you coop wired on the bottom?
Do you have small gaps that mink or even rats can fit through?
Set up your game can and monitor if carefully cause then you have a better idea of what you are dealing with
My coop is up on legs, but during the day they are in a portable fence. The vents on the coop have chicken wire. Now that I'm reading about predators I think I need to reinforce this. I don't think it's enough to keep raccoons OR mink out.
There other day I let my 9 hens and rooster out of the coop, but neglected to do a head count due to trying to quickly return to my potty training toddler. When I came back out late morning to give them food scraps I noticed one bird was missing. When I looked in the coop right there by the pulley door her carcass was laying. You cannot tell from the picture but most of her neck and a fair bit below it was gone. My thought is that a raccoon lifted the door at night? I don't think it happened during the day. The coop is surrounded by fence, but isn't electrified currently so I think some animals are gaining access at night. I've definitely seen a skunk in there. My thought is that whatever got her was likely still in there when I opened the coop up in the morning and I just didn't see it.
Had the exact thing happen to me. Definitely a raccoon . The go for the heads and leave the body sadly. It even attacked during a rain storm. I was so sad. Keep a look out in surrounding trees on your property or neighbors if one lives close. This is where the raccoons hide when they are frightened. They got my largest hen but I'm grateful for my large rooster as he managed to protect the rest of my flock. Bring a flash light out at night and scan the trees, there eyes will glow. Hope this helps.

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