What killed my chicken?

I agree- wildlife has to eat too. I enjoy watching my chickens when they free range. It seems so unfair to keep them caged all the time.

I allow them out now for a couple hours in the evening when I can watch them real close. I hesitate getting a dog, but I may have to in order to keep predators away.

I lost nine of my hands to a fox that came through and killed them along with one hand who had three baby chicks she hatched it was a devastating loss.
Grabbing one to eat I can understand but killing them all would piss me off.I'm sorry you went thru all that!
I have a secure coop and run in for my chickens with a fence around it for my dogs .I got the dogs first so I had no choice but train them. They were used to my chickens in 6 months and quit salivating by then so I began training them. I also added a baby monitor so my dogs can hear everything going on outside while I'm sleeping.They have always woke me up if anything harassed the chickens. I didn't start free ranging my chickens until my dogs were trained.I doesn't matter how long it takes.Only that you do it

Thanks for posting this video. It's very helpful.
Our dog is an adult and stubborn as all get out. It would take me years to get him trained properly and he came long before the chickens, so I resort to the dogs out chickens in / chickens out dogs in musical animals game. It's a hassle sometimes but definitely safe and I don't worry about any mishaps. With any future pup, I'll definitely refer to this video.
Thanks for posting this video. It's very helpful.
Our dog is an adult and stubborn as all get out. It would take me years to get him trained properly and he came long before the chickens, so I resort to the dogs out chickens in / chickens out dogs in musical animals game. It's a hassle sometimes but definitely safe and I don't worry about any mishaps. With any future pup, I'll definitely refer to this video.
After they're obedience trained the rest should come easy. Half the battle is earning your dogs respect and teaching them to follow basic commands

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