What kind and sex cochin bantams

To me they look yellow at some angles but other times pinkish maybe I'm wrong . To me they look like the color of my hand so idk. But like her legs where the feathers are , are blue . Idk I guess I need to wait a lil longer and see as she/he grows . Bc idk what else she could be I mean they had a shipment of bantam cochins and silkies and he/she was in with the cochins and that's what I got so unless someone made a mistake and put the wrong chick in with the others . What else could she be ? He orders from a hatchery I just don't remember which one .
Photos can be deceptive. If they look yellow to you than they probably are. If there were just cochins and silkies than it's a Cochin. You will know for sure in 2-4 months.
Thank u but when I compare it to the other ones legs they don't look the same color they do more pinkish than the bantam cochin that looks to be a cockerel . He for sure has yellow legs and no vulture hocks what so ever . Matter of fact he is mostly still fuzz other than 3 lil black feathers on each wing
I think that's just how it looks in the picture I took on my phone bc they don't look like that normally at least the one without the vulture hocks doesn't look long . Maybe it's just bad batch of cochins . Idk I'll wait a few weeks and post more pics then .Maybe they r just going thru an awkward and ugly stage lol.

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