What kind of bedding for baby chicks????????

I use the pine chips with paper underneath, I buy mine at the Farmer's Co-op. I do have a question for everyone. This is my 3rd year with chicks, I have 38 right now that are 21/2 and 1 week olds. I have their water elevated a little so the chicks can reach it and it doesn't sit on the chips, but they scratch and get paper and chips in the water. Then it seems like the chips kind of wick the water into the totes. Any suggestions on how to keep the water clean? It is really smelly when it gets wet!
When they get older I use wood stove pellets.
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I've got the play sand in my brooder right now. Got the idea from someone on this site. I use the pine pellets for my horses which I love. I've had more friends change to it since they saw it at my house. I was concerned that the chicks would eat it and have troubles.
I put a layer of hay down and then paper towels over that...seems to work fine and easy to change the paper towels daily to clean the brooder...
We've used aspen shavings with all 3 broods and had no issues except getting shavings in the water... I elevate it as they get bigger but they still seem to kick a lot in there. I clean it out once a week. As they get older I have to clean it out more often because it starts getting stinky and very dusty.
We've been using about three inches of pine shavings topped with crumpled and restraightened newspaper. It's worked great for the three weeks we've had our chicks - I just roll up the paper w/droppings morning and night and toss. At first I didn't let them play with the shavings since I wasn't sure if they were trying to eat them or not, but now I leave the section the farthest away from the water uncovered and they enjoy scratching in it. Tonight, at the 3 1/2 week point was the first time I changed the shavings as they were getting a little smelly, but it's worked great for us. Ken
I have used different things but at this point my fav. is pine pellets. Each night i shake a little over the top to cover the juicy stuff. I never smell ecky's and it doesn't get into the feed and water.

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