What kind of rooster do I have?

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I was given 17 baby chicks that the farmer had hatched and then bought 4 more from a feed store so not sure where my rooster came from.
I was given 17 baby chicks that the farmer had hatched and then bought 4 more from a feed store so not sure where my rooster came from.

I think he almost certainly came from the farmer's hatch and is a mixed breed. X2 on drumstick diva's advice on only keeping one rooster, and if you like this one, he should be the one you keep. :eek:)
what kind of rooster do I have

I had 21 chicks of whom 8 were roosters. I re-farmed 6 of my roosters and kept two. I'm thinking about re-farming one more but I don't seem to be able to identify the rooster I love and want to keep. Does anyone have an idea on what it could be. I believe he has a rose comb and he is a large rooster even though he is only 6 months old. Really appreciate any help. This is the first time I have posted. Thank you!
I have two roosters that look like yours, that's what lead me to this site. Lol I was trying to identify the breed myself

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